Sunday, June 21, 2009


let us know if you are going to these


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Manchin Show

We are playing a the manchin on june 27th, we are probably playing 1st or surpise. we don't really fit in with the other bands but, come out and if you say you are there for us we get payed with your money, but if you tell us you said you were there for us, we'll either give you the money back or take you out to dinner after the show. the show is in murrieta. flyer will be up soon. have a good day- andy

Thursday, June 11, 2009

so we started a blogspot

we figured it was about time, we started writing on a website, things that are on our mind that no one will read. haha alright more shit to come later.

<3 andy and david... not ian